Roadblock Tales Part 2

I spotted the roadblock a km away and prepared to stop. I started slowing down and deploying hazards to warn those behind me of my intentions. The police ahead sign was just 100m from the cops. There were 3 lanes hence 3 queues. I took the middle lane with 2 cars in front of me. The left lane was equally long then I realised the only car on the right was just leaving. So logically I moved to the right pane. Licence the cop demanded. I pulled out my UK licence. Zvese manga magona (you were spot on) except one thing. What's that I asked? Macrosser (you crossed the) solid line. Solid line? And sure enough, when I logically changed lane for a quicker service I did cross the solid line. Shit. Saka pakai henyu apo. (Please park over there). I complied by again crossing the same solid line but it was not a crime this time?
Then to my shock: crossing the solid line is USD15 spot fine. Handina (I don't have it), I lied. Nyorai (write a) ticket. Iyi hainyorwe (this one we don't write a) ticket he says, ispot fine chete (it's a spot fine only). Hapana here wamungafonera kuti akubhadharirei (is there someone you can phone to come and pay for you)? No I said. Ah, saka zvinoitika ndezvekuti munoendeswa ku (so we are taking you to the) station then it's upto the discretion of the officer to discharge you whenever they are satisfied so it's better mukatsvaga anokubhadharirai (if you find someone to pay your) fine. Iribhoo hendeyi ku (it's fine we can go to the) station I suggested. Chimbopakai makadaro timbodealer nevamwe (remain parked while we deal with others) he says. So there's a queue here. 

Then I notice they're arguing with two ladies who are also saying they have no money but are willing to come to the station and pay. Why can't you tell us your names demand the ladies. I notice none have their names displayed and one is hiding his name with a clipboard. Fishy. Is this roadblock legal I wonder? I seize my moment and say, just write our tickets otherwise you're wasting our time! 
The cop is visibly upset by my comments. Wasting time? Manje iwe ndanga ndichida kukuregerera (I was about to let you go) but haungamboti  (you can't say) police is wasting your time. I'm discharging my duties professionally according to the law. Otherwise vanotaurisa imi tozotsvaga kuti munombonzi vanani and munoita nezvei (those who talk too much may be investigated to find out who they are and what they do) he threatens. I get my phone from the car and make a call. Officer, pane varikuda ku taura nemi pa phone (someone wants to talk to you on the phone). Ndiani (who is it) he asks. I tell him without mentioning the rank of his senior. Ah, hatitauri pa phone (we don't talk on the phone). Then my kids want to use the toilet. Munetoilet here officer (do you have toilets), vana vanoda toilet (the children need the toilet). Hatina toilet, he quips (we don't!). The kids continue asking for the toilet. Tell the policeman you need the toilet, I tell the kids. The two ladies seize their moment and slowly drive away, the cops are surprised. Hatina kutora licence ravo, one says (we forgot to grab the license!). Then my cop says to me, chienda (you can go) as he hands me my licence back. I come back 20 minutes with 'back up' and the roadblock has been dismantled. It's about 1130am. 
What do you think guys? Why were the officers reluctant to identify themselves and why were they refusing to write tickets for the crime? 


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