I agree that some graduates create employment. They're entrepreneurial. But not everyone is entrepreneurial. Only 12.3% of Americans are entrepreneurs. By that statistic, about 3.2 million Zimbabweans could be entrepreneurs and if each of them employed just 2 people, we would have 9.6 people in employment. The maths is right. 3.2 million employers add 6.4 million employees. We would have close to 100% employment rate. 

But what makes an entrepreneur? What drugs best one to become an entrepreneur? Are they looking to become self employed? Are they leaving a salaried job to define their own path? Are they doing so because there are no jobs? Is it because they have a new mindset? Are the 88% of Americans who are not entrepreneurs, lazy, unimaginative, or just want job security to manage their monthly bills and mortgage? 

Does government have a role in employment creation? ZANUPF promised 2.2 million jobs to be created between 2013 and 2018. Now Manheru is challenging the graduates to create 2.2 million jobs. Fair enough but not under conditions where the motivation to do so is immediate physiological needs and not a genuine expression at self realisation and unwillingness to continue in a salaried job. 

Government has a major role to play in shaping economic growth and development. The American government sponsored DARPA is responsible for the research and development which led to GPS and the Internet on whose back the global economy is riding including Nathaniel Manheru himself. He can spare us his Shakespearian gymnastics and allow citizens to finally hold this failed government to account. If the government can provide the much needed electrical power, entrepreneurial Zimbabweans will innovate their way to financial freedom. Government has the capacity to mobilise resources that can create platforms for economic activities. If they feel they can't do that, then the noble thing is to resign and allow others to take charge. The land can produce whatever we want if we take advantage of mechanisation. Giving little pieces of land to people who can't secure bank loans for lack of title deeds is gross incompetence. 

We need a government of people who understand capital and are competent enough to print our own currency. The truth is that the government has lost the currency of trust and nothing they do will attract any support and is bound to fail. The time to leave office is now. 


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