How do I get time to read?

From My Facebook Inbox:

"Hi Dereck. Just read your account on reading widely. That's a great challenge. Glad you won the battle. But hombre how do you balance reading all this with family life? Mai Ruva and the kids need your time, I suppose! I find it difficult to even read preparing for my lesson the following day. My kids are all over me let alone my wife! How do you do it? Give me a piece of advice. (Thot it was best inboxing you than comment on your post)". Thanks Charles!

This is a great question and a valid excuse for many of us. It's exactly what I thought before I took the challenge to read more. I've always read something. Dennis Waitely's Empires Of The Mind was a good read a decade ago but it took me ages to finish. I never got to finish Plato's Republic but will do now as I have the audiobook. I also struggled with Godel, Escher, Bach: An Eternal Golden Braid, which was a gift from a good friend. Thanks Terry! 

Apple's iBooks rekindled my passion for the written word and birthed a new passion for the spoken word. Half the books I have consumed are through audiobooks. Audible, Audiobooks and other apps for audiobooks have improved book consumption culture. As I drive I used to listen to a whole collection of music but now I listen to great books and even my children listen along and ask questions and it's great to have a mini book club event at times like this. My wife also listens along sometimes so I've discovered! I thought she would be sleeping when I drive most of the time. Right now I'm listening to Steve Jobs: The Exclusive Biography by Walter Isaacson. And it's great, expands my horizons and widens my worldview. It helps me bring a different angle to the debate. My audiobooks on Big Data have transformed the way I see big companies like Amazon, Google, and Apple. Developing countries can learn a thing or two from them. 

So I have consumed content mainly through ebooks, audiobooks, podcasts, YouTube, radio, documentaries, speed reading, and blogs. I'm still working my way up with speed reading and will dedicate an article on that. I think a reading culture is good for the developing world because it turns moaners and those who always blame someone else into problem solvers. Happy reading!


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