Roadblock Tales Part 3
It was not the first or last roadblock of the day. That was after I hit the playful baboon which decided to jump in front of the vehicle though I had slowed down enough not to kill it. As soon as I handed over my licence, I was asked to park off road. Before long the officer had noticed that the insurance disc was not displayed. Displaying it had been overlooked but it was 400 km away. Write me the ticket and I will produce the insurance at the nearest police station in Bulawayo. No. It's a spot fine. USD20.
10 minutes later I make the payment. But officer, how do you expect to attract investors into the country when you subject motorists to such unnecessary harassment and the potholed roads are increasing maintenance costs and reducing the lifespan of vehicles? And the officer says: your opportunity is coming in 2018 (election year). No officer, some of these things don't need a change of government, they need a change of mindset, a dialogue among Zimbabweans to improve our own lives. These things are who we are, let's fix it now.
And the officer says, you're the ones who made a mistake in 2013 (election). I refuse to be drawn into politics, I don't know these guys. Well says I, let's not go there, we leave that for another day. He understands.
Later that day I show my ticket receipt to someone. They fined you for 'not having insurance'. You've got insurance. They should have charged for 'failure to display'. There's no way you'll get the 'third number plate' without insurance. They know that. You can actually appeal. I couldn't be bothered I said. That's the only money they'll ever get. I'm gonna give them hell within reason. What was hilarious was that when you leave Victoria Falls there's a USD2 toll gate and when you enter Bulawayo there's another USD2 toll fee. USD8 if you travel to and fro, USD40 for trucks! Some of them avoid toll gates by using farm road shot cuts. I know one that got stuck in the muddy farm roads and had to abandon its load of granite stones.
What was craziest was the many near head on collisions I witnessed as vehicles overtook 2 or even 3 vehicles even at night.
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