Abundance is the future

The most important asset we have as a civilisation is the mind. Our can do mindset is crucial in confronting any challenge thrown at us. We succeed with an optimistic mindset and we fail with pessimism. I like to use the term optimistic realism. It means tackling challenges from the ground up, starting with what can be done immediately. It also means focusing on how a problem can be solved and not why it can't be done. When we prioritise why it can't be done, the mind ensures we are right. In other words this wrong mindset sets us up for failure. We relax and expect miracles to happen. 

To create the future we need to embrace the abundance mindset. Enough research and development has been carried out to demonstrate that there is no challenge in the world which is beyond us. The greatest impediment to abundance today is lack of political will and a sense of humanity. The competition for resources and capital between nation states is widening the gap between the rich and poor. We need to uplift the wretched amongst us and close the rich and poor divide. The earth has capacity to provide resources in abundance to every individual alive today and for future population growth. 

One way to achieve abundance is to encourage entrepreneurship. Entrepreneurs create capital. Capital ensures consumption needs are met and wealth can be distributed to benefit everyone. How can we create entrepreneurs? Education is key. Creativity is key. Countries need to invest in the education of its citizens. Creative individuals can build incredible businesses that can provide employment and improve economic growth and development. Private companies have some of the highest numbers of workers on their payroll, not governments. Governments which discourage entrepreneurship through bad policy are killing their economic prospects. Entrepreneurs create capital, provide employment, and are economic players. 

Abundance is our future is we can educate and unlock creative entrepreneurs who can create capital and increase the global gross domestic product (GDP). 


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